Joey Zocher is a teacher-advisor at a public charter school on Milwaukee’s south side called Escuela Verde. The bi-lingual school provides project-based education that puts a particular emphasis on three things, the environment, justice and peace. As we witness the Covid-19 pandemic lay bare and deepen the disparities that have long existed in Milwaukee, Joey’s words came back to us. At the time of writing, more than half of the deaths from Covid-19 in Milwaukee County were among black residents, according to reporting from the Washington Post, though African Americans make up about 28% of the population here. In one of our last in-person interviews, Joey spoke about what this moment can teach those who are part of an “overserved” group, as she puts it. Joey has bachelor’s degrees in biology, psychology, women’s studies and secondary education, a master’s in environmental education and a doctorate in urban education. She was, for some years, a program director at the Urban Ecology Center.