Nicole Acosta bears witness to her own life, to her power, and to the cultural practices and traditions that she cherishes, though dance, art, writing and photography. There is a sense of liberation in what she makes and how she lives, which she shares generously, including on social media. Trust us and go follow @atsocanicole on Instagram right now. She explores the light and darkness that come her way openly and authentically, true things about love, trauma, identity, healing, creation. Born and raised in Milwaukee, Nicole is Chicana, a first-generation Mexican American, a mother and a member of LUNA, or Latinas Unidas en las Artes, dedicated to empowering Latinx artists in Milwaukee. In recent months, Nicole has been working on a portrait series, “HOOPS,” with subjects sporting hoop earrings. She describes the project as “a collective representation of our various Latinx roots, rituals and spirituality. From chunky to dainty, bodega-purchased or passed onto us from our familias, see how we deconstruct stigmas and reclaim our HOOPS journeys." It was a hot day when we visited Nicole. The windows were open and the sounds of Milwaukee found their way in.